Creator Toolbox: Tools, Mindset and Workflows for Content Creators

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Podcast by Colin Gray and Jacob Anderson

Creator Toolbox: Tools, Mindset and Workflows for Content Creators

The Creator Toolbox is all about the nuts and buts behind every creator business. We'll cover the gear and tools you need to run your creator business, and dig into how to stay consistent, how to monetise, and how to start to take your creator business seriously. Join Colin Gray (Founder of Alitu and The Podcast Host, a $1m+ creator business) and Jacob Anderson (Head of Growth at Alitu) as they dig into their experience in running a creator business since 2010.

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22 July 2024

How to Evolve a Content Brand: From Zero to 6 Months and Beyond

In this episode of the Creator Toolbox, Colin and Jacob discuss their journey of iterating on this very show, and how a podcast can develop and evolve over it's first few months. They delve into the process of turning it from an experimental show into a whole new content brand, and this could apply to you whether it be a podcast, YouTube channel, blog, or creator brand in general. Listeners get valuable insights on launching, iterating, and refining their content channels, even if you're not 100% sure what it plans to be in the early days. Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of building a successful creator business, including case studies from the journey of ThePodcastHost over the past 14 years, and into the new journey for the Creator Toolbox.



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01 July 2024

Focus not Hustle: How to Get Shit Done As A Creator

Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels, constantly busy but not making real progress? In this episode of Creator Toolbox, Colin and Jacob cut through the "hustle culture" noise to share practical, actionable strategies for true productivity as a content creator.

What You'll Learn

Discover how to:

  • Implement effective time blocking and deep work techniques
  • Prioritize tasks and manage your energy, not just your time
  • Create a productive work environment that suits your style
  • Handle distractions and maintain focus in a world of constant notifications
  • Use "cycles" for better long-term planning and goal-setting

Key Takeaways

1. Time Blocking and Deep Work

Colin and Jacob stress the importance of dedicating specific blocks of time to focused work:

  • Schedule your week in advance, allocating time for different types of tasks (e.g., writing, meetings, admin)
  • Use time blocking to create a structure that ensures you tackle priority tasks
  • Implement "deep work" sessions by turning off notifications and focusing solely on important tasks

2. Creating the Right Work Environment

Your workspace can significantly impact your productivity:

  • Find an environment that helps you focus - this might be a dedicated home office, a co-working space, or even a coffee shop
  • Separate your work area from relaxation spaces to maintain a healthy work-life balance
  • Experiment to find what works best for you - some people thrive on the energy of others working nearby

3. Managing Distractions

In our hyper-connected world, managing distractions is crucial:

  • Be intentional about when you check emails and messages
  • Use "Do Not Disturb" modes on your devices during focused work periods
  • Communicate clearly with your team about your availability and focus times

4. Prioritization and Cycles

Effective prioritization ensures you're working on what matters most:

  • Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by importance and urgency
  • Work in "cycles" (e.g., 2-month periods) to set and review goals
  • Break larger projects into smaller, achievable tasks to maintain motivation

5. Task Management Systems

Having a reliable system for managing tasks is essential:

  • Use a task management tool that allows you to assign dates to tasks and categorize them
  • Implement an "inbox" system for new tasks to be triaged and organized later
  • Regularly review and update your task list to ensure it remains relevant and actionable

Try This Workflow: Weekly Planning

  1. Set aside time every Monday morning for weekly planning
  2. Review your goals for the current "cycle" (e.g., 2-month period)
  3. Block out time in your calendar for priority tasks and deep work sessions
  4. Schedule in breaks and buffer time for unexpected tasks
  5. Review and organize your task list, assigning dates and priorities
  6. End the week by journaling about your progress and setting intentions for the following week

Resources Mentioned

  • Asana - Project management and task tracking tool
  • Todoist - Popular to-do list and task manager
  • The Podcast Host - Colin's podcast resource website
  • Alitu - Podcast creation tool (Try the 7-day free trial!)
  • "Shape Up" by Basecamp - Book on project management cycles
  • "Getting Things Done" by David Allen - Productivity methodology book



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24 June 2024

The Future of Community-Led Businesses with Mathilde Leo from Circle

Are you curious about the future of creator businesses and the power of community? Discover how community-first strategies are reshaping the creator economy!

In this episode, Colin Gray and Jacob Anderson sit down with Mathilde Leo from Circle to explore the evolving landscape of online communities, content creation, and the tools that are empowering creators to build thriving businesses.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How community-led businesses are changing the creator economy
  • Insights on transitioning from traditional content creation to community-first models
  • The power of authentic connections in building a sustainable creator business
  • Tools and strategies for managing and growing online communities
  • The potential of community-based platforms in combating AI-generated content overload

Tools discussed:

  • Circle: Community platform for creators
  • Figjam: Collaborative whiteboarding tool
  • Miro: Online visual collaboration platform
  • TubeBuddy: YouTube channel growth and optimization tool
  • Fathom AI: AI-powered meeting assistant

Featured creator:

Damon Dominique - A multilingual content creator who successfully reinvented his brand and built a thriving community-based business. Known for his travel content, language courses, and authentic approach to sharing his experiences living abroad.

Try this workflow: Community-First Content Strategy

  1. Identify your niche and target audience
  2. Set up a community platform (e.g., Circle) to host your content and facilitate discussions
  3. Create a content calendar that includes a mix of:
    • Regular community events (e.g., live Q&As, workshops)
    • User-generated content opportunities
    • Exclusive content for community members
  4. Engage with your community regularly, encouraging discussions and connections between members
  5. Use community feedback to inform your content creation and product development
  6. Experiment with different monetization strategies within your community (e.g., paid memberships, courses, exclusive events)

Resources mentioned:

Don't miss out on future episodes! Subscribe to the Creator Toolbox podcast for more insights on building your creator business. Visit The Podcast Host for everything podcasting, and try Alitu - our podcast maker app - with a 7-day free trial!



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04 June 2024

From Local to Global: Transforming Your Business Through Content Creation

Are you running a local business and dreaming of reaching a global audience? Discover how content creation can revolutionize your reach and transform your business model!

In this episode, Colin Gray and Jacob Anderson explore the power of content creation in expanding a traditional business's reach. They dive into real-world examples, practical strategies, and tools that can help you transition from a local service provider to a global content creator.

What you'll learn:

  • How to leverage content creation to expand your business globally
  • Strategies for building a content funnel that attracts and converts customers
  • Tools for managing newsletters and staying on top of industry trends
  • Insights from successful creators who've made the leap from local to global

Tools discussed:

  • ConvertKit: For automated newsletter creation and RSS feed integration
  • Stoop: A dedicated app for managing newsletter subscriptions
  • Omnivore: An open-source tool for managing newsletters and RSS feeds
  • Sparktoro: An audience research tool for finding the best channels to reach your audience

Featured creator: Modern Malinois

Jacob breaks down the success story of Modern Malinois, a dog training business that expanded its reach globally through content creation:

  1. Top of funnel: Creating engaging, discoverable content (e.g., YouTube Shorts)
  2. Middle of funnel: Offering exclusive, opt-in content to gather leads
  3. Bottom of funnel: Selling high-value products or services to a warm audience

This approach allows businesses to monetize both local and global audiences effectively.

Try this workflow: Content Funnel Creation

  1. Use Sparktoro to research your audience and identify the best channels for your content
  2. Create top-of-funnel content that showcases your expertise (e.g., blog posts, videos, podcasts)
  3. Develop a lead magnet (e.g., email course, webinar) to capture email addresses
  4. Set up an email sequence using ConvertKit to nurture leads
  5. Offer paid products or services to your warm audience, both locally and globally



Think about how you can apply the Modern Malinois method to your business. What type of content could you create to reach a global audience? Share your ideas with us on social media using #CreatorToolbox!

Don't forget to subscribe to the Creator Toolbox podcast for more insights on building your creator business. Check out The Podcast Host for everything podcasting, and try Alitu - our podcast maker app - with a 7-day free trial!



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24 May 2024

From Low Motivation to High Output: Journaling, Streaming, and Productivity Tips

Feeling stuck in a creative rut? Discover how to transform your low-energy days into productive powerhouses with our latest episode of Creator Toolbox!

Join Colin Gray and Jacob Anderson as they dive into practical strategies for boosting productivity, leveraging new tools, and expanding your creator business. Whether you're a podcaster, writer, or aspiring content entrepreneur, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you level up your creative game.

What you'll learn:

  • How to use AI-powered journaling to track your progress and overcome creative blocks
  • Tips for setting up a high-quality streaming setup with tools like the Rode Streamer X
  • Strategies for expanding your niche audience to a broader creator market
  • The power of community platforms like Circle for engaging and growing your audience
  • How to structure your content to cater to both beginners and experienced creators

Tools discussed:

  • Rode Streamer X: A versatile device for streamers and content creators
  • Circle: A community platform for building and engaging with your audience
  • OpenAI's latest model: For summarizing and analyzing journal entries
  • Voice Notes app: For quick and easy audio journaling

Featured Creator Spotlight:

Colin shares insights from Jason Greystone, host of the "Always Free" podcast, who has built a successful business model around his content. Learn how Jason uses a combination of free content, courses, coaching, and mastermind groups to monetize his audience effectively.

Try this workflow: AI-Powered Journaling for Creators

  1. Use your phone's voice notes app to record a 5-10 minute audio journal entry
  2. Upload the MP3 to OpenAI's latest model for transcription and summarization
  3. Review the AI-generated summary for insights and patterns in your creative process
  4. Use these insights to adjust your workflow and overcome creative blocks


Ready to supercharge your productivity and take your creator business to the next level? Try implementing one of the strategies discussed in this episode and share your results with us using #CreatorToolbox on social media!

Don't forget to subscribe to the Creator Toolbox podcast for more insights on building your creator business. Check out The Podcast Host for everything podcasting, and give Alitu - our podcast maker app - a try with a 7-day free trial!



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07 May 2024

From Blogger to Brand Ambassador: Richard Tubb's Creator Journey

Ever wondered how a tech blogger becomes a sought-after brand ambassador? Discover the inspiring journey of Richard Tubb, from IT business owner to influential content creator in the Managed Service Provider (MSP) industry.

Colin Gray and Jacob Anderson sit down with Richard Tubb to explore his two-decade journey in content creation, discussing the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts that have shaped his success. From leveraging new technologies to building long-term brand partnerships, Richard shares invaluable insights for creators at any stage of their journey.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How to evolve from a blogger to a respected industry voice
  • Strategies for building and monetizing your audience
  • The power of experiments in content creation
  • Tips for forging valuable, long-term brand partnerships
  • Tools and techniques to enhance your content workflow

Tools discussed:

  • Elgato Teleprompter: A game-changer for video content creation
  • Crazy Egg: Website optimization and user behavior analysis
  • Adobe Premiere: Advanced video editing with new AI-powered features
  • Manifestly: Streamlining team workflows with collaborative checklists

Featured creators:

  • Paul Green (MSP Marketing Edge): Blending old-school marketing tactics with modern content strategies
  • John Espirian (LinkedIn Nerd): Master of relentless helpfulness and LinkedIn content optimization

Richard, Colin, and Jacob dive deep into the evolving landscape of content creation, discussing how to maintain authenticity while working with brands, the importance of valuing your audience, and the mindset shifts necessary for long-term success in the creator economy.

Try this workflow: The "Experiment" Approach

  1. Identify an area of your content strategy you want to improve
  2. Frame the change as an "experiment" rather than a permanent shift
  3. Set a timeframe for the experiment (e.g., 2-3 months)
  4. Communicate the experiment to your team and audience
  5. Gather feedback and data throughout the experiment
  6. Evaluate results and decide whether to implement permanently, adjust, or end the experiment


If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe to the Creator Toolbox podcast for more insights on building your creator business. Check out The Podcast Host for everything podcasting, and try Alitu - our podcast maker app - with a 7-day free trial!

